Connecticut Chapter


Funeral Detail for fallen brother Steve Carter.  L-R John Larensen, Paul Marling, Picture Steve Carter, Al Johnson, Keith Moyer, Bob Waz.  Next Chapter meeting, July 27, 12:30, at the Chester, CT. Marina.  This is our annual picnic/barbeque meeting.  All prospective members, and guests no matter branch of service, are invited. Call President Keith Moyer for details 860-885-4330 or email

28 December 2022


Next general meeting, Saturday, April 22 at the Manchester Ct. American Legion.  Meeting starts at 1:00.  All members and their guests are invited.  Prospective members are encouraged to attend.









Chapter meeting.  L-R:  Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.




21 September 2022

CT Chapter summer barbeque.  Back row L-R:  Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen, Bob Waz.  Front row:  Al Johnson, Rich Magner, Jack Kranyak.  Next general meeting:  October 14, at the East Hampton CT VFW  1:00.  All members and their guests and prospective members are encouraged to attend.










27 June 2022





CT  Cav Association attending  the Traveling Wall in Cheshire Ct. on June 3.  Our next general meeting will be Friday, October 15, 1:00 at the Waterbury, CT.  VFW.  All members and prospective members are invited.  For more information contact Keith Moyer  860-885-4330 or






5 May 2022

CT Cav Association April meeting.  Next CT Chapter meeting is our annual barbeque/picnic scheduled for Friday July 22 at 1:00 at a place to be determined.  All members and prospective members are invited.  Call Keith Moyer 860-885-4330 or email for info on location.  Details to follow.




3 March 2022






An impromptu lunch.  L-R:  Bob Waz C 1/7, Al Johnson B 15 TC Battalion, Keith Moyer B 1/5.  The Connecticut Chapter will meet April 16, 1:00 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester CT.  All members, their guests and prospective members are welcome.  For further information contact President Keith Moyer, 860-885-4330,




29 June 2021

Picture of the memorial service for one of our founding chapter members, Bill Pomeroy, on 31 May.  Pictured L-R: Steve Carter, John Larensen, Paul Marling, Keith Moyer, Al Johnson, and Sandi Pomeroy.  Our next meeting will be October 23 at the Manchester American Legion, Manchester Ct. starting at 1:00.All members and prospective members are encouraged to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer:mm860-537-1716 or




The Connecticut Chapter finally held an official meeting at the Manchester American Legion.  Everyone was glad to get back together.  Pictured are Bob Waz, Paul Marling, Al Johnson, Jack Kranyak, Steve Carter, Keith Moyer, Glen Bentz, John Larensen.   Our next meeting will be the annual summer barbeque/meeting at the Chester Marina in Chester, CT starting at 1:00 pm on July 17.  Food will be provided by the chapter.  All members and prospective members are invited to attend.  For further information contact President, Keith Moyer860-537-1716 or <>.