New York/New Jersey

July August 2024


Fred Robins, Member Liaison of the NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cavalry Division Assn, was recently honored as the Grand Marshall of the Creskill Memorial Day Parade.  Inclement weather canceled the parade, but Fred provided an excerpt of his speech given at the American Legion Hall on Monday, May 27, 2024:

After training, I was immediately sent to Vietnam and assigned to the 1st Air Cavalry Division.  I served as a helicopter crew chief.  A book and movie were made about my unit.  When I read the prologue of, We Were Soldiers Once and Young, by Moore and Galloway, I found that almost every word and sentence related to how I felt about my Vietnam experience.  My remarks today are paraphrased from the book’s prologue.

We were the children of the 1950s and went where we were sent because we loved our country. Many were draftees, and many had enlisted, but we were proud of the opportunity to serve our country just as our fathers had served in World War II and our older brothers in Korea.  The unit I joined was an experimental combat division trained in the new art of airmobile warfare at the behest of President John F. Kennedy.  We went to war because our country asked us to, because our new President, Lyndon B. Johnson, ordered us to, but more importantly, because we saw it as our duty to go.

Leading us were the sons of West Point and the young ROTC lieutenants from Rutgers and the Citadel and, yes, even Yale University, who had heard and answered Kennedy’s call.  There were also the young, enlisted men and NCOs who passed through Officer Candidate School and emerged newly minted officers and gentlemen.  All laughed nervously when confronted with the cold statistics that measured a second lieutenant’s combat life expectancy in minutes and seconds, not hours.

Our story is about what we did, what we saw, and what we suffered in South Vietnam when we were young and confident and patriotic.  At the same time our countrymen knew little and cared less about our sacrifices.  We knew what Vietnam had been like and how we looked and acted and talked and smelled.  No one in America did.  Hollywood got it wrong every damned time.

Many of us, myself included, returned home, rebuilt our lives, found jobs or professions, married, raised families, and waited patiently for America to come to its senses.  As the years passed, we searched for each other and rediscovered the half-remembered pride of service was shared by those who had dug foxholes beside us.  With them, and only with them, could we talk about what had really happened over there—what we had seen, what we had done, what we had survived.

Our story, then, is a testament and tribute to over 58,000 Americans who died beside us during those years and whose names are etched on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., and in our hearts.  This is also the story of the suffering of families whose lives were forever shattered by the death of a father, son, husband, and brother in that land.

The NY/NJ Chapter meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, including family members, guests and interested parties.  Our next meeting will be held in September.  The meeting will start at 10am, with a meet and greet, followed by presentations starting at 11am. Guest speaker and date TBA.  Our meetings are held at the Elks Lodge, 20 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ.  There is no cost to attend, and coffee and a free buffet lunch will be served.

Come join us!  To stay informed of future chapter events, send an email to Robin Bartlett, Chapter President, <>, or call 201-856-7530.


24 August 2023


Dear Friends of the 1st Cavalry Division,

Our next chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, September 23 starting promptly at 11:00 am. We have to be finished by 1 pm, so please try to come at 10:00 am to enjoy coffee and conversation. Our meeting will be held at the Elks Lodge located at 30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park, NJ. 07660.

We have an exciting lineup of speakers. The first will be a representative from Honor Flights who will provide a brief overview of this amazing, free program that flies veterans to Washington, DC, to visit the memorials.

Our second guest speaker will be David Drummond, a former Vietnam POW. David was an Air Force B52 pilot based in both Guam and Utapao, Thailand. His aircraft was hit by two SAMs on December 21st, 1972, the third day of Operation Linebacker II. His entire crew bailed out safely and is the only complete American crew to return alive to the USA. David was taken prisoner, tortured by the North Vietnamese and held at the infamous “Hanoi Hilton” and a second prison called the “Zoo.” He returned to the US at the end of the war in March 1973. After separation from the Air Force, David completed a 30 year career as a pilot for American Airlines and as a flight test engineer for Bell Helicopter.

David will be joined by his wife, Jill Drummond, who is a retired clinical psychologist, writer and author with expertise in PTSD. She has been involved with veterans’ issues and has played a key role in developing and producing two public seminars on veterans’ benefits and resources. Jill will also participate in this presentation.

Here are three more important dates:

Bergen County POW Recognition Day Ceremony: Friday, September 15 @ 12:30 PM. Seats have been reserved for veterans and Cav members. Please attend wearing Veteran/Cav hats and shirts. I’ve been asked to furnish a head count, so if you are able to attend.




The Traveling Wall: August 31 to September 3: a 1/2 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial will be erected at Bergenfield High School, Bergenfield, NJ, beginning August 31 with the opening ceremeony to be held on September 1st. This is a wonderful way for you, family members and friends to visit a replica of “The Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial” and see this awe-inspiring structure.



The Wall That Heals is headed to New York City: Thursday, September 28 through Sunday, October 1. This is the 3/4 scale version of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial sponsored by VVMF to be dispalyed at Flushing Meadows Corona Park (131-04 Meridian Road, Queens, NY. The field on the southwest side of the World Ice Arena).

All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings.

Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division, or unit assignment. We welcome spouses, relatives and friends and interested parties. There are no dues or charges to attend. Coffee and a buffet lunch will be served.

We’re a great group. Come check us out!

Please share and post this communication. Invite interested parties to come to our meeting and register to receive future communications, information about our meetings and important local activities.

For questions or more information about our next meeting, to offer suggestions or request information about our chapter please click the red button below. Meetings are held on Saturdays at the Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge, located at 30 Spruce Street, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660.

     Tribute to our friend Bob Arbasetti

Our chapter was deeply saddened by the passing of our former President, Robert  Arbasetti, August 6, 2023.

Bob was President of the chapter for 23 years. A resident of Bogota, NJ, he worked at the Ridgefield Park post office after completing his military service.

Bob was a proud Vietnam veteran. His passion extended far beyond his military service and his heart was devoted to the wellbeing of his fellow veterans. He cared about supporting and fostering the community and he believed that it was critically important that veterans pass on their stories to their families and grandchildren. Bob was also a photographer. It was more than a hobby and became a means of capturing cherished moments. He delighted in candid snaps of his beloved grandchildren and always made sure meeting photos were posted                                                                                                                 to the chapter Facebook page..

Bob was laid to rest with military honors at the Brigadier General William C. Doyle Memorial Cemetery in Wrightstown, NJ. Here is a link to his obituary:

The following memories were provided by chapter members who knew him best:

By Tom Lee, Chapter Historian:
When we last spoke over the phone in July while he was in the hospital, he sounded fine, was in good spirits, and he enthusiastically spoke about going (after his recovery) back to the Photo Expo next year. I hoped it was possible for him more than for me. When I heard of his sudden passing, I was shocked and saddened. His passing is a great loss to all who knew him; he had many friends in the veterans community and Elks and was the pillar of our chapter. He was a veteran’s veteran, he’d been there, and had done that. I will miss our long talks and his insight. Hey Bob, I will make that pilgrimage solo for you in your memory next year, recall the good times, and look at all that expensive gear we still can’t afford. R.I.P. my friend.

By Fred Robins:

Bob was one of the early members of the chapter and actively participated in all activities. He later became a member of the board of Governors of the National 1st Air Cav Association. Bob dedicated most of his personal time while Chapter President to planning activities and assisting all veterans. He will be sorely missed.

By Bob Heintz:

My fondest memories of Bob are the many times we traveled together over the years. That involved trips to Fort Hood in February for Board of Governors meetings as well as many reunions. It was not unusual to be sitting in airports for several hours waiting for flight delays and we would often be approached by other Cav members to just talk. It is well known that Bob liked to talk to people. It was a good way to pass the time.  When we were at the reunion just after the Desert Storm conflict was over, we were talking to the division sergeant major saying how we wished we could help in the conflict. The sergeant major looked at both of us, obviously out of shape, and simply said “PT is overrated”. We laughed about that for many years. We also met frequently in Washington DC for Veterans Day where my wife “adopted” him and encouraged him to join us for meals at the local restaurants. When he had difficulty keeping up with us walking, she made sure we all slowed down for him. Bob always said that he had to behave or she would kick his butt! With all our travel and the many hours together, we really never had any conflict. I told him once that in all of that time, I only had to call him a pain in the ass once! Another laugh that lasted for years. Bob was a good friend and I will miss him greatly.


27 January 2023

Dear NY/NJ Chapter 1st Cav Division Association Members:


Reminder: our next chapter meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2023 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue.) There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served.

Please invite your friends and military buddies to come regardless of unit or branch. Meet old friends and make new ones. In the event of bad weather, we will reschedule for another date in March. More details to follow.

Our next guest speaker will be LTC. David Siry, recently retired, who is currently an Assistant Professor of Military History at the US Military Academy. David is the Director of the Center for Oral History at West Point. He graduated from USMA in 1994 and chose Armor as his branch. He served in many assignments around the world to include Iraq, Kuwait, Bosnia, Haiti, Ft. Campbell and Ft. Knox, KY. Most recently, he served as an Operations Officer and Executive Officer with the 3d Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division and as a Team Chief on a Military Transition Team working with the Iraqi Army, Air Force and Police in Wasit Province with the 1st Cavalry Division.

Come to the February meeting to hear more about some of the interesting stories David has conducted as Director of the West Point Oral History Project.

On March 29, Americans will come together to commemorate the service and sacrifices made by the nearly 3 million service members who served in Vietnam. In 2012, President Barack Obama signed a presidential proclamation, designating March 29 as the annual observance of Vietnam War Veterans Day.

The Vietnam Veterans Day Commemoration Team has authorized the distribution of a Vietnam Veteran lapel pin to all veterans and family members who served during the Vietnam era. Our chapter has received a supply of pins and one will be given to each Vietnam Veteran attending our next two meetings.

The signing of the commemorative proclamation by Obama marked the 50th anniversary of the departure of the last American troops from Vietnam — March 29, 1973. Only U.S. embassy personnel and support staff remained in South Vietnam until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975. Here is what the President had to say:

“The Vietnam War is a story of service members of different backgrounds, colors and creeds who came together to complete a daunting mission,” the proclamation states. “It is a story of Americans from every corner of our nation who left the warmth of family to serve the country they loved. It is a story of patriots who braved the line of fire, who cast themselves into harm’s way to save a friend, who fought hour after hour, day after day to preserve the liberties we hold dear.”

As you know, more than 58,000 Americans were killed and many thousands more were wounded and injured or determined to be missing. Tens of thousands of families suffered from this loss.

The proclamation also states: “In one of the war’s most profound tragedies, many of these men and women came home to be shunned or neglected — to face treatment unbefitting their courage and a welcome unworthy of their example. We must never let this happen again.”

All are welcome to attend our chapter meetings. Our meetings are open to all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties.                                                                              Please post this communication and invite interested parties to register to receive future communications, information about our chapter meetings and important local activities.


For questions or more information about our next meeting or about our chapter please click the red button below.


Robin Bartlett, President

NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cav Division Association

Robin Bartlett


NY/NJ Chapter, 1st Cavalry Division


Chapter Ambassador:

Bob Arbasetti –

Chapter Liaisons:

BobHeintz –

Fred Robbins –

Al Carpenter –


1 September 2022

This Cav newsletter: is for all service members regardless of branch, division, rank or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of future chapter meetings and important local activities.

Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue, Ridgefield Park). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you’re curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question.

Please forward and post: forward this email to your vet friends and post on your unit bulletin boards for all to see. If you wish to be added to our mailing list click the red button below or send an email to

Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. Born in an American internment camp during WWII, Tak grew up in Japan, returned to the US to attend college at UCLA and then joined the Army. As an OCS 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer in the Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot’s Beak) in III Corps. He was an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief during the CIA’s Operation PHOENIX and worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the region. Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. Tak will discuss and answer questions about specific engagements in Vietnam and his challenging return to civilian life after Vietnam. You wont want to miss his amazing story!

Also attending our meeting: will be Kevin O’Hora from the Division of Veterans Services in Bergen County. Kevin has a wealth of information about benefits available to service members including healthcare, surviving spouses and children, military burial, filing claims for pension and compensation for disabilities and PTSD. If you are unable to attend our meeting you can reach Kevin at 201-336-6325 or by email at

For questions, information, or to be added to our mailing list: please click the red button below.

Please forward this message: to your veteran friends regardless of branch, rank or affiliation. All are welcome at Cav meetings.

Be well, stay safe and WELCOME HOME!

Robin Bartlett

25 July 2022

Dear Sky Troopers,

The Cav Newsletter. Our newsletter is for all service members regardless of branch, division or unit assignment, and for relatives and interested parties. This periodic communication will provide notice of our future chapter meetings and important local activities.

Visit to the Moving Wall in NJ. Several Sky Troopers recently visited the Moving Wall at the County College of Morris. The Moving Wall is a replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. The Wall was sponsored by VFW Post 7333 and donations are still gratefully appreciate. For more information about the Moving Wall go online to:

Vietnam Veterans Memorial “The Moving Wall” Coming to County College of Morris

Veterans Pulse Newsletter. The VA has recently started an informative newsletter called “Veteran Pulse.” It contains very helpful information about the VA in New Jersey (addresses, telephone numbers and healthcare information for both men and women and all the VA hospitals and clinics in NJ. To start receiving your copy of this informative publication click the button below and I will send you a link.

Mark your calendar: Our next chapter meeting will be held on October 15 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend and a buffet lunch will be served. If you’re curious about our chapter, please come to the meeting, meet old friends and make new ones. Or, click the red button below to ask a question.

Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto. After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School in MD. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures as a part of the CIA’s Operation PHOENIX.

For questions or more information about this meeting or our chapter please click the red button below.

Have a Great Summer. I will check back in another month!

Robin Bartlett


27 June 2022


All service members regardless of branch or unit assignment, relatives and interested parties are invited to the next meeting of the New York/New Jersey Chapter of the 1st Cav Division on Saturday, October 15. The meeting will be held from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Elks Club in Ridgefield Park (30 Spruce Avenue). There is no charge to attend, and a buffet lunch will be served. Please join us to meet old friends and meet new ones.
Our guest speaker at the October meeting will be Takeshi “Tak” Furumoto.
After graduating from UCLA in 1967, Tak enlisted in the Army completing Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. This was followed by Engineering OCS at Ft. Belvoir, MD, the Monterey Language School in CA, and Combat Intelligence School at Halibut, MD.
As a 1st Lieutenant, Tak served a tour in Vietnam from February 1970-71 as an Intelligence Officer at the Due Hue District, Hau Nghia Province near the Cambodian Border (Parrot’s Beak) in III Corps. He was assigned as an advisor to the Vietnam National Police Chief, during the CIA’s Operation PHOENIX. He worked to neutralize VC infrastructures in the district. He was awarded the Bronze Star for actions during the Cambodian invasion by US and ARVN forces in 1970.
Returning to the US, Tak suffered from both PTSD and AO poisoning. He has been active in real estate development in Fort Lee, NJ, the town’s Chamber of Commerce, VFW Troop 2342, and in human rights activities. Tak will discuss some specific engagements in Vietnam and thoughts on the war.
For more information about this meeting please contact Robin Bartlett, President, NY/NJ Chapter 1 CDA,

10 May 2022





Photo Caption: L To R NewChapter President Robin Bartlett and Bob Arbasetti


On April 31, The New York-New Jersey Chapter held its spring meeting, the last meeting that I will have as president.  The chapter elected a new president, Robin Bartlett.  In the next issue of the Saber, Robin will introduce himself.  We had a good turnout.  Everyone seems happy to see each other.  Once again, we were fortunate to have Meegan Wadleigh as our photographer; despite dealing with a primitive camera and crusty old Veterans, her work was outstanding

I want to thank everyone who not only turned out this time but all who have helped and supported me through my presidential term.  Thanks to the 1st Cavalry Association and the kind people who have guided me over the past 20+ years.  I also want to thank Fred Robins, Bob Heintz, and all chapter members past and present who have contributed to my success

I want to leave everyone with the idea that it’s time to share your story and tell who you were when you went to War.  Don’t let others tell a story that is not yours.  Let them know what life was like back then, how little life experience we had.  Although the war was unpopular, we served our country with pride. Tell Family and friends about all those we met along the way.  Some good, some bad but all our brothers.  Tell of sacrifice we share; the loss of life and explain how the War has lived in us for so many years and how it has become the filter we see the world.











During the timeframe of the Afghanistan war, I thought about returning to Walter Reed Army Medical Center to visit wounded Soldiers.  The best time to do this wound be Veterans Day week in Washington D.C.  The 1st Cavalry Div Association stays at a hotel for Veterans week, and this is an excellent place to assemble our team.  I knew that it would be a difficult visit and the best way was to form a team.  Edie Meeks, a nurse in an army field hospital in Vietnam, was the first person I approached.  I knew that her ability to deal with patients and hospital situations would steady the team.  Then I sought chapter members and friends who were wounded in combat, whom I knew in Washington, to join the group.

On our first visit, I realize that none of us were prepared for what we were about to experience.  Even though the Soldiers were in their twenties, they seem like school-age children. We were surprised to see many female Soldiers with a few missing limbs because of many roadside bombs.

All were happy to see us; some wanted to show us videos that they shot.  Others wanted to show pieces of shrapnel that were taken out of their bodies.  Others wanted to display their scars.  Most patients wanted someone to talk to.  The hospital can be a lonely place to be.

Everyone seems pleased to visit with these Soldiers.  It reminds one of the sacrifices they made.  To me, it just how terrible war is and how costly the price that is paid.

The New York-New Jersey Chapter will hold its Fall Meeting on Oct 16, 2021, at the Ridgefield park Elks Lodge in Ridgefield Park NJ. Check out the Facebook page for updates.

Bob Arbasetti, president