CPL Gordon M. Craig*
Medal of Honor Citation
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, Reconnaissance Company, 1st Cavalry Division
Place and date: Near Kasan, Korea 10 September 1950
Entered service at: Brockton, Massachusetts
Born: 1 August 1929, Brockton, Massachusetts
G.O. No.: 23, 25 April 1951
Citation: CPL Craig, 16th Reconnaissance Company, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. During the attack on a strategic enemy-held hill his company’s advance was subjected to intense hostile grenade mortar, and small-arms fire. CPL Craig and 4 comrades moved forward to eliminate an enemy machine gun nest that was hampering the company’s advance. At that instance an enemy machine gunner hurled a hand grenade at the advancing men. Without hesitating or attempting to seek cover for himself, CPL Craig threw himself on the grenade and smothered its burst with his body. His intrepid and selfless act, in which he unhesitantly gave his life for his comrades, inspired them to attack with such ferocity that they annihilated the enemy machine gun crew, enabling the company to continue its attack. CPL Craig’s noble self-sacrifice reflects the highest credit upon himself and upholds the esteemed traditions of the military service.
At an awards ceremony held at the Pentagon on 3 April 1951, Mrs. Mildred Craig formally accepted her son’s posthumous Medal of Honor from General of the Army Omar N. Bradley. CPL Craig is buried in East Bridgewater, Massachusetts.

The Medal of Honor
Description: A gold five pointed star, each point tipped with trefoils, 1½ inches wide, surrounded by a green laurel wreath and suspended from a gold bar inscribed “VALOR”, surmounted by an eagle. In the center of the star, Minerva’s head surrounded by the words “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” On each ray of the star is a green oak leaf. On the reverse is a bar engraved “THE CONGRESS TO” with a space for engraving the name of the recipient.
Congressional Medal of Honor Society web page: https://www.cmohs.org/
History of the Medal of Honor: https://www.army.mil/medalofhonor/history.html
Medal of Honor – The History (A Vimeo Video Documentary Rivr Digital): https://vimeo.com/100896594